Road less Traveled oil painting

“Road less Traveled” ©2011 Niki Gulley
oil 11″ x 14″
Painted with extremely thick oil paint and palette knives to achieve texture, vibrant color and movement.
E-mail Niki Gulley for more information on this painting.

Tuscany Vineyard pastel

Tuscany Vineyards by Niki Gulley
SOLD • pastel 30″ x 15″
This pastel was inspired by the beautiful Tuscan countryside. If you’d like to join us in Tuscany for our next Plein-Air Painting & Photography Workshop, see more details at or e-mail Niki Gulley for more information.

SOLD – Sunflower Field oil painting

“Harvesting Sunshine” ©2011 Niki Gullley
SOLD • Oil Painting 30” x 48”

Painted with extremely thick oil paint & palette knife, I love how these sunflowers leap off the canvas and are filled with energy.

Winter at White Rock Lake

“Winter’s Calm” ©2010 Niki Gulley
pastel • 16″ x 20″
This pastel is inspired by one of our rare snowfalls in Dallas. Growing up in Chicago I always loved how pretty and magical the snow was after it first fell, but I really don’t miss shoveling since moving to Texas! So in “Winter’s Calm,” I combined the best of both worlds, capturing the beautiful white powder dusting across the ground and along the lacy intertwining branches above while knowing that the next day it would all be gone, making the moment even more fleeting and special.
If you’d like more information on Winter’s Calm, e-mail Niki Gulley.

Daybreak pastel

“Daybreak” ©2010 Niki Gulley
pastel • 16″ x 40″

Whenever I can actually wake up by dawn, I am always inspired by the magical light that casts its glow across the horizon and am rewarded by the peacefulness before society starts stirring. In Daybreak, I wanted to capture that magical morning light and the quiet mysterious mood created from the sun’s rays peeking through the trees, casting their long dramatic shadows and softening the distant landscape.

Recently Sold “Skyward Bound” oil painting

“Skyward Bound” ©2010 Niki Gulley
SOLD • oil on canvas • 30″ x 40″

Recently sold to new collectors in Dallas! In “Skyward Bound,” I wanted you to feel like a little kid again looking up into the treetops, enjoying the beautiful sky and colors above. We forget to do that as adults – we’re so focused on straight ahead! Choosing vivid reds, yellows, blues and greens in addition to the perspective of the aspen trees and autumn forest from below adds to that playful mood.

New Framed Aspen Tree oil paintings

5″ x 7″ Aspen oil paintings by Niki Gulley
I painted these miniature aspen trees with palette knife and extremely thick oil paint so that the resulting paintings are filled with color, texture and movement. These oils look great in pairs and threes, and the wide black frame really draws your eye into the artwork and sets each one apart. If you’d like additional information or would like to purchase my aspen tree paintings, e-mail Niki Gulley.

Mountain Hideaway oil painting – SOLD

“Mountain Hideaway” ©2010 Niki Gulley
SOLD • 18″ x 48″ oil on canvas

I just sold this painting to a collector in Chicago and it’s one of my favorites. A few years back, I visited Colorado to be inspired by the aspens turning color and to see the gorgeous mountains and scenery. I love it there! My husband and I ventured off the main roads and were exploring back in ranch land where there were hardly any signs of city life. At a couple of points, we even had to wait for the ranchers to round up their cattle herds out of the middle of the roads in order for us to drive in deeper – not something we witness in Dallas!

I wanted to capture that feeling of nostalgia in “Mountain Hideaway.” I particularly liked this one ranch – their barn and wood post fence had so much character. I liked how the mountains surrounded the property and created such a beautiful backdrop. The panorama format really worked well to give you a sense of scale and the sprawling landscape. I liked how the road zigged and zagged next to the property, too, leading you back to the house. Also, it was just slightly overcast and the sun would peak out once in a while, creating this beautiful dramatic lighting that I had to capture.

New Bluebonnet & Indian Paintbrush oil painting

New Bluebonnet and Indian Paintbrush Oil Painting
by Niki Gulley • 7″ x 5″

These Texas Bluebonnets and Indian Paintbrush are created with extremely thick oil paint and palette knives so that the final painting is loaded with texture and color.

If you’d like additional information on my bluebonnet paintings, e-mail me at

New Texas Bluebonnet miniature oil painting

Texas Bluebonnet oil painting by Niki Gulley • 7″ x 5″
I painted this Texas bluebonnet with extremely thick oil paint and palette knives, so that the resulting artwork is filled with color and texture.
If you’d like more information on my bluebonnet paintings and Texas landscapes, e-mail me at