“Parade of Color” Impasto Oil Painting by Texas Artist Niki Gulley


“Parade of Color” ©2021 Niki Gulley
24″ x 48″ textured oil painting
Filled with joy and energy, Parade of Color is loaded with texture and uplifting hues that almost dance on the canvas. Mysterious light leads you down the path, beckoning you into the distance. What lies beyond? Where will your adventure take you next? I hope you can find the excitement in the journey!
To purchase, please visit nikigulley.com/parade-of-color/.
E-mail Niki Gulley for more information on her palette knife aspen tree and contemporary landscape paintings. 



Fall Aspen Painting by Palette Knife Artist Niki Gulley


“Perspective Control II” ©2022 Niki Gulley
36” x 18″ textured mixed media painting 
on 1.5″ wrap around canvas with the painting continuing around the edges
Enjoying the melodic tinkling of the aspen leaves rustling in the breeze, the trickling sounds of the babbling brook at our side, and the beauty of fall ablaze with color, I felt invigorated as I began painting this aspen forest. The setting was so peaceful and rejuvenating that I wanted to communicate that joyful feeling of discovery. Filling the canvas with energetic staccato strokes and bold colors, in addition to gently arching the tree trunks reaching towards the sky, add to that uplifting feeling. And then just a sliver of the trail cutting through the forest, suggests the excitement of the journey that is to come.
If you’re in Denver, Colorado this weekend, you can see Perspective Control II and more of my aspen paintings at:
Denver Arts Festival
Booth #157C
Denver, CO
Conservatory Green, Central Park
Sat. May 28 • 10am – 6pm
Sun. May 29 – 10am – 5pm
For more information on my textured palette knife paintings, please e-mail me at Niki Gulley.


Or, please visit my website at  NikiGulley.com to see more of my contemporary landscape paintings.




Contemporary Forest Painting by Palette Knife Artist Niki Gulley


“Arboreal Labyrinth IV” ©2020 Niki Gulley
SOLD • 24″ x 44″ Textured Mixed Media Painting on 1.5″ wrap around canvas with the painting continuing around the edges

Just Sold! Dreamy light peeks through the forest’s tangle as the sun slowly rises, beckoning you to wander through the foliage and immerse yourself in nature. Loaded with color, texture and energy, this painting vibrates with a calming energy.

For more details on my other aspen and birch paintings, please e-mail Niki Gulley.

Or, check out my website at nikigulley.com to see more of my contemporary landscape palette knife paintings.


New “Autumn Waves” Palette Knife Painting by Niki Gulley


“Autumn Waves”
20″ x 30″ textured mixed media painting on 1.5″ stretched canvas
with painting continuing around the sides

I painted the sketch for this piece in the mountains and found it especially cathartic and peaceful. It was such a joy to be there surrounded by nature’s fall glory, that it would lift my spirits every day. I feel so fortunate to be able to do this and I hope that you can feel the joy that I felt when you gaze into autumn’s waves of color.


To see more of my contemporary impressionistic landscape paintings, visit nikigulley.com.






“Rhythms of Summer” by Contemporary Impressionist Niki Gulley


“Rhythms of Summer” • 20″ x 30″ textured oil painting 

 ©2022 Niki Gulley

Colorado in July is such a beautiful sight to behold! Cool mountain breezes and fresh, untouched air invigorate your soul while lush grasses and wildflowers lift your spirits and fill your heart with joy. Nature’s symphony dances to a tune that is music for your senses. Loaded with texture and color, may “Rhythms of Summer” transport you to this magical land of breathtaking views and summer serenity.

To purchase “Rhythms of Summer,” please visit nikigulley.com/rhythms-of-summer/.


E-mail Niki Gulley for more information on my palette knife Colorado paintings.

To see more of my contemporary impressionistic landscape paintings, visit nikigulley.com.



Abstract Bluebonnet and Indian Paintbrush Painting by Texas Artist Niki Gulley

“Nature’s Brushstrokes III” ©2022 Niki Gulley
SOLD • 36″ x 36″ textured oil painting on wrap around canvas
In this painting, I wanted to render Texas bluebonnets and Indian Paintbrush very abstractly. Focusing on the patterns of color that those vibrant reds and cobalt blues form, allows you to feel the excitement of peering into a huge field of wildflower glory. Mysterious light tries to break through the distant foliage and begin to illuminate the blossoms, beckoning you to explore what’s beyond.
Just sold through the Good Art Company, in Fredericksburg, TX at goodartcompany.com/gacart/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=25&sort=20a&page=1&z!
For more details on my other Texas paintings, please e-mail Niki Gulley.

Or, check out my website at nikigulley.com to see more of my contemporary landscape palette knife paintings.


New Abstract Texas Bluebonnet Painting by Palette Knife Artist Niki Gulley

“Blue Rhapsody V” ©2022 Niki Gulley
36″ x 36″ textured oil painting on wrap around canvas
With an aura of mystery, sunset shimmers over the horizon illuminating the tops of the grasses, bluebonnets and Texas wildflowers, inviting you to take a stroll amongst the gorgeous blooms.

Leaving the landscape loose and free, your imagination can fill in your own story. Loaded with dreamy layers of paint and thick textured passages, this piece really comes to life in person. 

“Blue Rhapsody V” is currently exhibiting at the Good Art Company Gallery in Fredericksburg, TX. For more details, please go to goodartcompany.com/gacart/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=25&sort=20a&page=1&zenid=417ih04llasuk7pl1h0qhj32k1.


E-mail Niki Gulley for more information on my Texas bluebonnet and wildflower paintings.

To see more of my contemporary impressionistic landscape paintings, visit nikigulley.com.



New “Rhythms of Summer V” by Contemporary Impressionist Niki Gulley



“Rhythms of Summer V”  ©2022 Niki Gulley

 34″ x 34″ textured mixed media painting on canvas

Colorado in July is such a beautiful sight to behold! Cool mountain breezes and fresh, untouched air invigorate your soul while cheerful lupine and native wildflowers lift your spirits and fill your heart with joy. Nature’s symphony dances to a tune that is music for your senses. Loaded with texture and color, may “Rhythms of Summer” transport you to this magical land of breathtaking views and summer serenity.

This abstracted aspen painting is currently exhibiting at the Good Art Company Gallery in Fredericksburg, TX. For more details, please go to goodartcompany.com/niki-gulley.


E-mail Niki Gulley for more information on my palette knife Colorado paintings.

To see more of my contemporary impressionistic landscape paintings, visit nikigulley.com.


New Colorado Wildflower Painting by Palette Knife Artist Niki Gulley

“Rhythms of Summer IV”  ©2022 Niki Gulley

 34″ x 34″ textured mixed media painting on canvas

Crimson Paintbrush fill Colorado’s undulating grassy fields with color joy. Making sure to not over blend my thick strokes allows you to see the marks and feel the peaceful energy, as nature’s palette holds a harmonic concert. Repeating patterns and waves of color create a harmony within the painting, while rendering the blooms and their surroundings abstractly plays with taking a traditional subject matter and showing it in a contemporary way.

This abstracted summer aspen painting is currently exhibiting at the Good Art Company Gallery in Fredericksburg, TX. For more details and to purchase, please check out goodartcompany.com/niki-gulley.


E-mail Niki Gulley for more information on my palette knife wildflower paintings.

To see more of my palette knife impasto landscape paintings, visit nikigulley.com.


“Tranquility of Spring” Textured Bluebonnet Painting by Niki Gulley


 “Tranquility of Spring” ©2022 Niki Gulley

12″ x 18″ Textured Acrylic on Panel

Painted on location, this beautiful, peaceful spot kept calling me back to capture it. Between the soft morning light, the carpet of azure blues formed by rows and rows of Texas bluebonnets and the gentle shimmer on the pond’s surface, I?had to capture the tranquility of the moment. I hope you are also transported to an uplifing place overflowing with the cathartic feelings of being surrounded by Texas’ beauty in springtime.

E-mail Niki Gulley for more details.

Or, to purchase directly, go to nikigulley.com/springs-palette-iii/.

To see more of my contemporary landscape paintings, please visit nikigulley.com.
