Greece Art Trek with Niki Gulley and Scott Williams

“Doorway to Possibilities,” Santorini, Greece • by Niki Gulley
SOLD • 20” x 10” pastel

The view from our hotel that we’ll be staying at in May for our Plein Air Painting and Photography Workshop is amazing! In this pastel, I wanted to capture not only the gorgeous Aegean below and the white-washed architecture with brilliant blue accents, but also I wanted to show off the unique Greek doorways that frame the beautiful landscape below.

If you’d also like to experience the beauty, history and culture of Greece, join me and my husband / travel photographer, Scott Williams, for our Plein Air Painting and Photography Art Trek to Athens and Santorini on May 10-18. Our unique Art Treks afford you the option to choose which aspects interest you, whether it is painting, photography, both or neither, thereby giving you an opportunity to make the most of your experience. Our trips are designed to hone your skills and expand your creativity, all while you further your artistic voice and immerse yourself in the region’s culture and lifestyle. Non-participating partners are encouraged to join us for a reduced price, and we’ll help with travel arrangements, tours, transportation, etc. while we’re painting and photographing.


Plein Air Painting & Photography Workshop
Athens & Santorini, Greece
May 10-18, 2013
Taught by Niki Gulley & Scott Williams
Early Registration for a $500 savings: Nov. 10
Final Registration deadline: Dec. 15


E-mail Niki Gulley for more information or go to
This workshop is already over half full, so we encourage you to register soon!

Deadline approaching for “Coloring Outside the Lines” Workshop

“Morning Textures II” Tuscany ©2012 Niki Gulley
12″ x 9″ oil

Day 6, morning location – Tuscany Art Trek
On the last morning of our Plein Air Painting and Photography Workshop, we headed into the nearby town and set up our easels to capture the beautiful morning light illuminating every crack and textured surface of the Renaissance architecture. The only tricky part was trying to find a location where we were out of the way of traffic, because no matter how narrow and quiet a street may seem, tiny Italian cars will eventually buzz by you. Once establishing our drawing and focal point, we had to paint quickly to capture the changing light and be out of the nearby trattorias way as they were gearing up for the noon rush. I loved how everyone’s paintings turned out! the resulting paintings were full of spontaneity and energy as we had no time to fuss or overwork our paintings, and merely reacted instinctively to the scene.
If you’d like to join us for next year’s Art Trek to Venice in February, Greece in May, Tuscany in September or Cinque Terre / Lake Como in September, please visit for more information. Workshops fill up quickly, so please let us know if you are interested. Registration deadlines for some of the trips are less than a month away!

If you’d like to learn how to paint with more color and freedom, please join me for my upcoming workshop, “Coloring Outside the Lines,” in Fredericksburg, TX, Nov. 2-4. Registration deadline is Oct. 15th. For details, visit

Niki Gulley helping one of her students with her painting on the last day of our Tuscany Art Trek.

If you have questions about the Art Treks workshops or are interested in purchasing any of my plein air paintings, please e-mail me at

Painting in Montepulciano with Niki Gulley

12×9 textured oil painting by Niki Gulley

Day 2, Montepulciano – Tuscany Art Trek
With a little more time before our afternoon winery tour, we decided to work on another painting. I chose this view of the tile rooftops below spreading out in front of the valley. I loved the puzzle piece feel of the buildings, zigzagging in all different directions, clinging to the steep drop below with the fields of crops also adding their criss crossing patterns to the jigsaw puzzle.
If you’d like to join us for next year’s Art Trek to Venice in February, Greece in May, Tuscany in September or Cinque Terre / Lake Como in September, please visit for more information. Workshops fill up quickly, so please let us know if you are interested. The early deadline and to receive a $500 savings for the Venice workshop is less than a month away.

If you have questions about the Art Treks workshops or are interested in purchasing any of my plein air paintings, please e-mail me at


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