3 Days Left for Tuscany Plein Air Painting & Photograhy Workshop

“View from Montepulciano” Tuscany, Italy

SOLD • 14″ x 11″ pastel by Niki Gulley

Join us for our next Plein-Air Painting & Photography Workshop in Tuscany, Sept. 2 -10. In addition to daily painting and/or photography excursions, there will also be day trips into the surrounding hill towns, along with winery tours, museum visits in Florence and plenty of gorgeous Italian countryside. The villa we stay at sits atop a hill with 360 degree panoramic views of the surrounding area, it has all modern convinces, plus wifi and a swimming pool. This truly is La Dolce Vita, so don’t wait until the last minute to sign up.

The early deadline for a $400 discount is just a couple days away!

E-mail Niki Gulley for more information, or visit nikigulley.com/?page_id=13.


From our last Tuscany workshop, everyone enjoying a delicious Italian dinner al fresco after a fun-filled day of painting, photographing and sightseeing in the Tuscan countryside.

Tuscany Painting Workshop

“Autumn Harvest,” Tuscany ©2011 Niki Gulley
pastel • 24″ x 36″
I was inspired to paint this pastel of the beautiful rolling Tuscan hills and vineyards after our last Plein Air Painting / Photography Workshop that my husband and I taught in Tuscany. Not only were the views amazing, but the food and the wine were absolutely delicious, too!

From our Tuscany workshop: Part of group pictured while touring this 300 year old wine cellar, always run by the same family.

If you’d like to join us Aug. 31 – Sept. 8 for our next Tuscany Plein-Air Painting & Photography Workshop, e-mail Niki Gulley for more information or visit nikigulley.com/?page_id=1420. Sign up by Jan. 13th for a $500 discount.
To see more of my paintings from Italy, visit NikiGulley.com.