“Purple Climbers” Plein Air oil painting by Niki Gulley

Purple Climbers ©2013 Niki Gulley
10″ x 12″ textured oil painting

Painted en plein air with thick oil paint and palette knife – a gorgeous day at the Dallas Arboretum!
If you’d like to join us on one of our upcoming European Art Treks, please let me know. Closer to home I’ll be leading a Plein Air Painting Workshop sponsored through the Good Art Company gallery in Fredericksburg, TX, April 5-7 and this afternoon at the Dallas Arboretum.

Tuscany, Italy – Sept. 6-14, 2013
Cinque Terre and Lake Como, Italy – Sept. 13-22, 2013
Provence, France – June 2014
Plein Air Painting / Photography Workshop
Led by Niki Gulley and Scott Williams
For more details, E-mail Niki Gulley or go to nikigulley.com/artreks.

Plein Air Painting in the Texas Hill Country
During bluebonnet and wildflower season!
April 5-7, 2013

These workshops are filling up quickly, so we encourage you to register soon!


Deadline approaching for “Coloring Outside the Lines” Workshop

“Morning Textures II” Tuscany ©2012 Niki Gulley
12″ x 9″ oil

Day 6, morning location – Tuscany Art Trek
On the last morning of our Plein Air Painting and Photography Workshop, we headed into the nearby town and set up our easels to capture the beautiful morning light illuminating every crack and textured surface of the Renaissance architecture. The only tricky part was trying to find a location where we were out of the way of traffic, because no matter how narrow and quiet a street may seem, tiny Italian cars will eventually buzz by you. Once establishing our drawing and focal point, we had to paint quickly to capture the changing light and be out of the nearby trattorias way as they were gearing up for the noon rush. I loved how everyone’s paintings turned out! the resulting paintings were full of spontaneity and energy as we had no time to fuss or overwork our paintings, and merely reacted instinctively to the scene.
If you’d like to join us for next year’s Art Trek to Venice in February, Greece in May, Tuscany in September or Cinque Terre / Lake Como in September, please visit NikiGulley.com/Artreks for more information. Workshops fill up quickly, so please let us know if you are interested. Registration deadlines for some of the trips are less than a month away!

If you’d like to learn how to paint with more color and freedom, please join me for my upcoming workshop, “Coloring Outside the Lines,” in Fredericksburg, TX, Nov. 2-4. Registration deadline is Oct. 15th. For details, visit nikigulley.com/art-classes.

Niki Gulley helping one of her students with her painting on the last day of our Tuscany Art Trek.

If you have questions about the Art Treks workshops or are interested in purchasing any of my plein air paintings, please e-mail me at Niki@NikiGulley.com.

Last Day of the Santa Fe Art Trek w/ Niki Gulley and Scott Williams

SANTA FE ART TREK:  Plein Air Painting / Photography Workshop with Niki Gulley and Scott Williams  
Day 5, afternoon critique & dinner
We finished our Santa Fe Art Trek with a final critique, sharing our work from the various locations. Above you can see each student’s interpretation of the Rio Chama. I love how every painter’s personality comes through in their work and how uniquely each one saw the same scene. Below are a few more examples of our paintings and pastels from the day we painted in Santa Fe.

To complete the week, those who could make it to dinner enjoyed some delicious red and green chile dishes at La Choza, as we reminisced about the trip and enjoyed our last night together before driving home the next day. A perfect week in Santa Fe!
Visit nikigulley.com/artreks/ for upcoming Art Treks and Workshops or
E-mail Niki Gulley for more information.For new classes and workshops in Texas this fall, see nikigulley.com/art-classes.

Plein-Air Painting at Versailles with Niki Gulley

Versailles5″ x 7″ pastel by Niki Gulley
Day 5, Afternoon – Art Trek Paris with Niki Gulley and Scott Williams
Thoroughly enjoying the sunshine and this peaceful hidden garden, we scoped out another view and tried to capture more of the sense of being in France in our next sketch. Manicured, organized, and adorned with statues and urns as focal points, this vantage communicated the idea of the French formal garden that I was looking for. At the end of the day, the French groundsman was kind enough to offer us pastel artists fixative for our drawings! That definitely breaks the misconception we have of the French not being friendly! A perfect ending to a perfect day.
If you would like to come along on one of our upcoming Plein Air Painting / Photography Workshops to
Santa Fe, NM Aug. 12 – 18 (see nikigulley.com/art-classes) or
 Tuscany, Italy Aug. 31 – Sept. 8 (visit nikigulley.com/artreks),
please e-mail Niki Gulley for more information. Registration deadlines are quickly approaching. We’d love to have you join us!
To see more of my contemporary impressionistic landscape paintings, please go to my website at NikiGulley.com.

“Vertical Aspirations” textured aspen oil painting

“Vertical Aspirations” ©2012 Niki Gulley
SOLD • 48” x 36” textured oil painting

In this painting I wanted you to feel that child-like wonder of staring up in into the treetops and the heavens above. Choosing vibrant, cheerful yellows and reds contrasted against a deep violet sky and arranging the aspens in a circular pattern heightened by thick, curving paint strokes, all add to that joyful, playful feeling of hope and discovery.
If you’d like to create paintings with more freedom and expression, please join me Feb. 18th and 19th for a workshop I’m teaching on “Loosening Up.” 
“Loosening Up” Painting Workshop
Feb. 18 and / or Feb. 19
Dallas, TX
See nikigulley.com/?page_id=13 for details and to register.

If you have any questions, please e-mail me at Niki Gulley.

To see more of my contemporary landscape oil paintings, visit NikiGulley.com.

Painting Workshop at the Dallas Arboretum taught by Niki Gulley

“Reflective Moment,” Dallas Arboretum ©2012 by Niki Gulley
18″ x 24″ oil on canvas

This painting was inspired by a gorgeous autumn day at the Dallas Arboretum. I was drawn to this magical little spot because it was so tranquil there that day, that you just wanted to sit and enjoy the scenery on this bench nestled across the water. The brilliant colors of the fall foliage, the crystal clear sky, and the soft light raking across the lily pond caught my eye. I liked how the late afternoon shadows were being cast and golden highlights were forming, adding to a peaceful, but happy feeling.

On  Feb. 4th, I’ll be teaching a Landscape Painting Workshop at the Dallas Arboretum. For more information, go to dallasarboretum.org/AdultEducation/CreativeArts.htm. 

If you’d have any questions, please e-mail me at Niki Gulley.
Or, to see more of my contemporary landscape paintings, visit NikiGulley.com.

Oakbrook Fine Art Invitational – this weekend

“Sounds of Autumn” ©2010 Niki Gulley
Pastel • 14” x 11”

The Chicago Botanic Garden is always beautiful, but in this pastel I wanted to capture it on a perfect autumn day when the native grasses and fall foliage have turned their vibrant autumn colors. I like this view looking across the peaceful lake towards the carillon chiming in the distance, playing in time with the trickling sounds of the wind flickering the fall leaves.

If you’re in the Chicago area, stop by my booth at the Oakbrook Fine Art Invitational to see “Sounds of Autumn” and more of my recent paintings. oakbrookcenter.com

To learn how to paint with pastels, join me in my Adult Art Lessons, Playing with Color, this fall. Classes fill up quickly, so visit my classes tab for more information.

Or, e-mail me at Niki@NikiGulley.com to register or with any questions.

Plein Air Painting Workshop – Tuscany

“Poppy Passion” ©2010 Niki Gulley
18″ x 36″ oil painting

Our upcoming workshop that we’re teaching in Tuscany makes me think about the gorgeous poppy fields blooming along the rolling Italian hills in springtime. To think that such a delicate flower can produce that powerful explosion of color when planted in mass boggles my senses. Seeing that sudden burst of intense orange or red against the azure blue sky after miles of green countryside is quite amazing. I love how complimentary colors, like blue and orange, vibrate when placed next to each other and I wanted to communicate that beauty and excitement in “Poppy Passion,” while reliving some of my favorite vacation memories from Tuscany – the warmth of the people, the beauty of the rolling hills and vineyards, the delicious, savory slow-grown food and wine and enjoying the laid-back, smell-the-roses time with my loved ones.

If you like to see “Poppy Passion” in person and you’re in the Chicago area, stop by my booth #89 at the Oakbrook Fine Art Invitational this weekend. Visit oakbrookcenter.com for more information or check.

If you’d like to find out more about our upcoming Painting & Photography Workshops in Europe, go to nikigulley.com/?page_id=13 or e-mail me at Niki@NikiGulley.com for more information. Our September Tuscany workshop is full, but we’re taking names for  next May to Greece and Tuscany in September.

Adult Art Classes – registration open

“Rhythmic Waters VI” ©2010 Niki Gulley
12” x 12” oil on canvas

I created this ocean scene with palette knife and extremely thick oil paint to achieve texture and suggest the energy found in nature. I wanted to capture that magical moment when the sun sets near the horizon and casts it’s sparkling glow over the ocean’s surface while illuminating the sky. The image is painted around the sides of the 1.5 inch deep gallery wrap canvas so that it looks three-dimensional and can be hung as is without a frame for a contemporary look. These chunky ocean paintings look great in pairs, threes and fours.

To see my “Rhythmic Waters” series in person, stop by my booth at the Art Street Green Bay art show this weekend in Green Bay, WI. For more information on the show, go to artseventsinc.com/artstreet.

If you’d like to learn how to create loose, vibrant paintings join us this fall in my Adult Art Classes in Dallas. Registration is open and classes fill up quickly, so visit my classes & workshops tab

Or, e-mail me at Niki@NikiGulley.com for more information.

Rhythmic Waters oil painting

“Rhythmic Waters V” ©2010 Niki Gulley
12” x 12” oil on canvas

I created this ocean scene with palette knife and extremely thick oil paint to achieve texture and suggest the energy found in nature. I wanted to capture the movement and sounds of the ocean waves crashing against each other. The image is painted around the sides of the 1.5 inch deep gallery wrap canvas so that it looks three-dimensional and can be hung as is without a frame for a contemporary look. These chunky ocean paintings look great in pairs, threes and fours.

To see my “Rhythmic Waters” series in person, stop by my booth at the Art Street Green Bay art show this weekend in Green Bay, WI. For more information on the show, go to artseventsinc.com/artstreet.

If you’d like to learn how to create loose, vibrant paintings join us this fall in my Adult Art Classes in Dallas. Registration is open and classes fill up quickly, so visit my classes and workshops page,

Or, e-mail me at Niki@NikiGulley.com for more information.